Stored picture scripts
The main modules > Articles > Partlists > Stored picture scripts

Picture scripts are instructions for drawing technical pictures on the base of partlist variables. They are evaluated in real time.


Picture script in a partlist

Picture script in a partlist


The following functions are provided in the icon bar:


Creates a new picture script; the name of the picture script has to be unique
Deletes the selected picture script
Executes the selected picture script
Exports the selected picture script in a .cs (c#) format
Imports a picture script in a .cs (c#) format
Inserts an RGB color code by selection from a color box


For each partlist any number of picture scripts can be created, e.g. different scripts for different output in the checklist and on printed documents.


The definition of a picture script is made in the following method:

Method for picture script
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protected override void Build()


In the lower area of the script view an overview of the possible code words is shown with a description for each control. A double click on one of the code words inserts it into the script for its modification.


Call for embedding a picture script into a checklist: 

Picture script in a checklist 
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ConfLine("=_PicWidth 500", "");


Technical drawing created by a picture script

Technical drawing created by a picture script


Call for embedding a picture script into a measurement sheet: 

Picture script in a measurement sheet
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Using a picture script in a measurement sheet

Using a picture script in a measurement sheet



The shape that was created by picture scripts can be filled with different patterns.


Example script for patterns
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protected override void Build()
    Image (800, 700);
    int x = 25;
    int y = 10;
    string color1 = "lightgrey";
    string color2 = "red";
    string t;
    for (int i = 0; i < 53; i++)
        t = "P" + i.ToString();
        DrawString (t, x, y, 50, 30, "Tahoma", 12, "bold", "center", "black", "", true);
        DrawRectangle (x, y + 15, 50, 50, 1, t, color1, color2, true);
        if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0)
            x = 25;
            y += 75;
            x += 75;
    t = "true";
    DrawString (t, x, y, 50, 30, "Tahoma", 12, "bold", "center", "black", "", true);
    DrawRectangle (x, y + 15, 50, 50, 1, t, color1, color2, true);
    x += 75;
    t = "false";
    DrawString (t, x, y, 50, 30, "Tahoma", 12, "bold", "center", "black", "", true);
    DrawRectangle (x, y + 15, 50, 50, 1, t, color1, color2, true);
    x = 25;
    y += 75;
    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
        t = "g" + i.ToString();
        DrawString (t, x, y, 125, 30, "Tahoma", 12, "bold", "center", "black", "", true);
        DrawRectangle (x, y + 15, 125, 125, 1, t, color1, color2, true);
        x += 150;


Possible patterns given by the example script

Possible patterns given by the example script